Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Casualties of Beer (Part 1)

Beer ! It's bloody great ...but BEWARE !

As a great man once said "Beer ...the cause of and solution to all my problems".

This rant may go on and on but i'd like to start with the destructive aspects of a good drinking bent. Well mine anyway.

Besides the supposed damage to certain rear echelon organs (liver ....what the fuck is that good for other than Pate!!!) i realise i have had a number of other physical/material booze related inconveniences....

1. Broken : 4th Metacarpal bone ... Ring finger (its a sign) . Dublin New Years Eve 199? 6 Hours in casualty ...heavy tack!

2. Torn : Entire left sleeve off me Auntie's damn fine brushed suede wool lined jacket. Spiked fence i could have easily walked around.

3. Lost : Sunglasses ...countless pairs.
Wallet ...only once touch wood
Phone ...Never ! More wood
Plot ....Irretrievable
Hours ....Ha ! The Amber Abyss consume thee !

4. Fractured : Anterior Vertebrae , Lumbar 2,3 & 4 .... cost me $300 because i was bed-locked for a week so I had to buy an Xbox. The constipation from the painkillers was far more painful that the back situation.... By the way.

5. Severely Scruffed : Jeans , jackets, t-shirts , footwear .....

Hmmm, right i'm off for a pint ....for inspiration.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Incidents, Accidents and whatnot ....

Be VERY careful when taking a piss after chopping chilies. Washing your hands afterwards will not save you ...... even hours after ....and these were just bog-standard bullet chilies from Coles. Now i wouldn't be the first to fall victim to this sort of thing but i can imagine a few other "Tasks" one should take caution with while suffering from chili Finger. Lets see ....

1. Poking around in your eyeballs
2. Administering suppositories
3. Manipulating goldfish or other wee piscines

.....any others we can think of ??

Saturday, April 23, 2005

my mates girlfriend , i get the steak .... he gets the stick Posted by Hello

Friday, April 22, 2005

If there is a God and he has the sense of humour that we all deserve then i reckon when we die one of the first things we'll get is a print-out of how much money we've spent on booze .... and then a hug ....and a beer.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Mythos Beer
Greece's favorite beer
Balls to Mythos i say
Minotaur pish !

....but fabulous spicy oven roasted potatoes and lamb.

it begins ....

Last week i don't think i knew what a Blog was ..... actually i still don't but it seems like something else to do while pretending to work. I like it already. But now somebody somewhere is offering up free drink and Greek food ..... so until tomorrow , Seannn.